Friday, March 19, 2010


Drew Ryan Tanner is what we like to call him. He was born this morning the 19th of March 2010 at 7:51am, he weighs in at a modest 8lbs even, and is a very average 20" long. Paula began feeling contractions around 5am but none of them were terribly close together or consistent so we waited until 7am, when she actually started to have some bleeding, to head to the hospital. Once at the hospital and after all the routine questions and paperwork, it only took about 15-20 minutes of pushing, a total of 4 sets of pushes, to help him find his way into the world.
Here are some pictures and video clips to help introduce him to all yall that can't have the pleasure of meeting him for a while. So it is my pleasure to introduce you, Drew, world, World, Drew.


Lynese said...

Great pictures! Joel is so cute kissin' on his baby :) said...

Yippee! How cute to see the 2 brothers together:) Can't wait to see you guys!

Dana Scarbrough said...

HOORAY! So glad it went alright Paula! Can we visit soon?

Angie said...

AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! I am so excited!!! Reagan has herpengitis. So we do not dare come see you guystill she is very free and clear. But I am so excited to meet Drew!!! Yeaaaa!!!!!!!!! So excited. Congrats Tanner family!!! Joel looks like a very excited brother!! Lucky Mom.... 4 sets of pushes!!! Yea! Good job Mom!!!

nathan said...

Zip-i-dee-drew-dah! LOL. I think it's creative. :) Sorry, that's the only thing I could come up with that wasn't yippee or hooray or something like that. Congrats! I think he looks more like Paul. I'll be the first to say it. Oops! Kelly said she said it already. Why does she always beat me to things like this?!:(

Aleisha said...

congrats guys! Paula to this day your story of when Joel was born is still my favorite ever, so I'm really excited to hear your version of this one!!! (hint hint... please?) No pressure :) Have fun with your new little baby!

The Durfee's said...

Congrats!! yay for Drew!!! what a cute little baby he is! HOpe all is well!!