Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sick Day

Well yesterday was a very long day, both of my boys were sick. Paul on Sunday night was not feeling well (his tummy was really upset). So all night he was up and in the bathroom! The sad thing was, the night before I hardly slept so I was out cold and didn't even hear him get up all night long so I wasn't there for him. He told be the next morning that he almost passed out (so that didn't make me feel like a very good wife). So yesterday morning we woke up and Joel was throwing up. So yesterday I spent the whole day nursing them back to health. Thankfully I didn't get it! They are both doing great today and back to there normal selves. And P.S. and by the way if you haven't gotten a FLU shot yet go and get one the virus has already started!!!


Haylee said...

eh that does not sound fun!! Jackson has only been really sick once and he wasn't even throwing up.. just running a fever and it wasn't fun! It makes you feel bad for the poor babies, and of course for your poor hubby too. I hate being sick!!
I'm glad everyone is back to good health though!

Lynese said...

Oh, poor Paul and Joel :( Hope they feel better quick. Kelly said she had the nasty stuff last week too. Hope it stays in Idaho and doesn't come to Oregon!

Brownies said...

Being sick is so annoying! Thanks for checking out our blog. Things are great and Ben is loving his job. (I'm assuming you knew that he has already had one career change since moving here...)

Tracie said...

Paula...Feel better, ok!? We need you in ship-shape for Frisbee! :)

Perrine said...

I am glad to hear that they are feeling better and that you didn't get it! Give them both hugs for me. I love you all!