Monday, July 28, 2008

Lastest Update

Well lets see where do I start? Lets start with Paul! Paul had to quit his job at Rexburg Motor sport's which kind of sucks but at the same time is good. Let me explain, Paul is such a hard worker and anyone that knows him knows that so anyway he wasn't receiving any hours at work (to give you an idea the entire last week he worked a total of 2hrs). Lets face it you can't live on that and not only were hours a problem they could never give him his full check on pay day(they were always shorting him hours for example he was missing over $100 in his last check). So now Paul has a job at the school full time doing heating and air for the break (until September) and then it will got to part-time. He is also trying to find another part-time job, so I will keep you updated! I am doing great just hanging out with the little man. Right now we spend most of the day going on walks running errands at the same time, playing in the pool and going to the spray park! Joel is doing great he now has 3 teeth on top that have popped through just waiting on one more on top. As you have seen from past posts he is very mobile now! I think that it is all for now we hope that everyone is doing great, we love you all!

1 comment:

Perrine said...

Well, I am glad to hear that Paul is moving away from that job. I will be praying for you all that he finds another part time job soon. I love you all, give the little one a hug for me!